Manzano High School
Class Of 1971
We are accepting donations to keep this website active indefinately.
Through the website we can stay connected with the use of the classmate to classmate email, the on line chat, the use of the forum and the posting of announcements. (To send a message to another classmate that has joined the site click on their profile and send a private message.) The website will also be a valuable tool for the dissemination of information for future activities including a probable "60th Birthday Bash" and our next reunion. By having all the classmate information in one spot where it can be updated by the classmates as their information changes, it will be much easier to plan and execute the next event.
We hope this will be a resource that you will use over and over again.
If you are interested in making a donation to support the effort, please contact us by clicking on the Contact Us link on the menu located at the left of the page.
Thank you for your continuing support!